Top Tips to Prevent Lice this Fall!
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1. Say no to group selfies!!! There is a rise in the number of older children getting lice and it's been traced back to taking group selfie photos! Boys and girls are getting nice and close for that perfect photo opportunity and lice are loving the chance to find a fresh head of hair!
2. Encourage kids with long hair to try some cool, new tied-back styles! The internet is abound with tutorial videos on sock buns, fun braids and slick-backed ponytails - all of which make if hard for lice to crawl into hair!
3. Don't share scarves and hats! With winter approaching, hats and scarves are set to escape their bins! While it may seem like common sense not to share hats, scarves can be just as complicit when it comes to spreading lice. Remind kids that lice like the warm areas behind the ears and at the nape of the neck - exactly where their scarves rest!
4. Sleepover party?! Not to put a damper on a sleepover party, but they can also be a party for lice! When the children come home from sleepovers, be sure to check their heads. If parents want to be EXTRA diligent, they can put pillows, sleeping bags and stuffed animals in the dryer on high heat for 30 minutes to kill any stray bugs that may have tried to hitch a ride to a new home!
5. Halt the helmet sharing!! Kids should be wearing helmets for many activities, such as riding bikes and playing sports, but they need to be taught to hold off on sharing in these cases! If helmets have to be shared, the best bet is to spray them regularly with a lice repellent spray to prevent lice from camping out and infecting the next child that puts it on!
6. Don't forget Halloween is right around the corner! A frightful festival of ghouls, goblins and potentially LICE!!! We can't keep away the things that go bump in the night, but we can help prevent lice! Don't let kids share wigs, masks or hats unless they are sealed in a plastic bag for 48 hours!
- LiceGuard Webmaster
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